Matrix Expansion

A build contains one or more jobs to run in parallel or stages.

These jobs come out of the build matrix expansion. Additional jobs can be added manually using the matrix key.

The build matrix expansion is driven by matrix expansion keys that are defined in the build configuration. If no expansion keys are given, or they only have a single value each, then the resulting build will only have a single job.

For example, the keys os and python (on Python builds) are matrix expansion keys.

If just os is given as:

- linux
- osx

Then the resulting build will have two jobs, one configured to run on os: linux, one on os: osx.

If both os and python are given as:

- linux
- osx

- 2.7
- 3.6
- 3.7

Then the resulting build will have 6 jobs, combining each os with each one of the python versions.

Matrix expansion keys

The following expansion keys are known:

The following expansion keys are supported depending on the language selected:
